Tuesday 26 August 2014

Navrang: A new theory to management

'Navrang', hindi for 9 colours. But that's not what we are going to discuss today. Of course a management lesson would accompany it.
Here we are back, people, with our series of discussion on the course of Principles of Organization and Management.

So what did our Prof Mandi had to offer with Navrang. Well, a very peculiar kind of a toy. I am getting used to this way of teaching with toys- to see something so innocent as a bunch of blocks turn into something that can easily pass as a management jargon.
I mean have a look at it..

This is stuff for kindergarten students but the message it delivers would be difficult to be understood by Post Graduates like us. Anyhow, moving on.

So, what is an organization composed of? Elements, sections, departments. And the melodrama continues. Connect that to navrang, each of the 27 small fragments form an element which work cohesively to form a rod, or say, section, and three such sections combine together to form a department(here plate).

And what do these departments make up when they come together? 
Well, they make up an organization.

So, Professor Mandi gave us a task to make this cube with each face of the cube having distinct colours. It might sound easy, but many of the students who took the onus to complete it, couldn't get it done.
However, when you orchestrate each move in a proper pattern, things just turn out to be fairly easy.
This is what happen in organizations. Random, haphazard movements never turn into something great. Planned and properly guided steps turn into a larger picture which is befitting to be called an organization.
I have attached a video of how to solve this puzzle of navrang with 9 cubes of different colour on each face

Monday 18 August 2014

Job vs Entrepreneurship

(Security vs Freedom)

Most of us don't like our dead end jobs. But the financial security it offers is a safety blanket no one can deny. Having a regular day job will surely give you a bi-monthly paycheck regularly. The job security of employment is something everyone should consider. But there are people who are already tired of the corporate slavery. The usual scenario of downgrading, bullying bosses,office politics and stress is inevitable. The corporate rat race brings a feeling of mediocrity and unfulfillment. And to some who have spent the rest of their lives in a cubicle do have regrets for taking the safety route.
Some people, especially the creative types dared to take risk of having an irregular paycheck. These are the people who have the entrepreneurial spirit, to have a business of their own by using their talents and skills.

Great entrepreneurs
Imagine if the world didn't have these individuals with entrepreneurial mindset. Do you think the world would be a better place? Imagine if Steve Jobs(Macintosh), Henry Ford(Ford Motors), Ray Croc (Macdonald's) and Bill Gates(Microsoft) just remained as employees and didn't took the risk, will there be great contributions that will ever exists? These pioneering minds choose freedom over security. Their innovative spirit should be something everyone should admire because they took the risk, regardless if they'll succeed or fail.

Decision depends on person not Family

There is much family pressure to take a job and acquire :
1. Discipline to work in a 9 – 5 job.
2. Get experience before you eventually make the transition to running your own business.
3. Bring stability to your life & pay off any debts you may have incurred at college.
All valid points, and in most cases, often the right choice for people to get a job rather than start up their own business. However, my take on the matter is that this decision is purely dependent on the characteristics and personality of the person. To argue the first point, it is all a matter of a self discipline. If you are someone with the ability to get your schedule right, and work a pre-set number of hours or more everyday, then the first point in the argument does not hold true given the crazy schedules that most graduates have in college. However, this is a quality which definitely needs to be developed.
The second point of getting experience to run your own business is bogus in my opinion. I believe the experience someone gets running their own business is far greater than anything you learn at a desk job. You may develop some functional expertise eventually in a specific area at a job, however, that will not be enough to start your own business. This essentially limits your horizon to a specific area, and more often than not, strategies taken by larger companies are not translatable in the startup world. Lastly, when do you achieve enough experience? I know a lot of people who said they would quit their jobs after a couple of years, but that seldom happens! Once you get into the corporate routine with a stable pay check, you take on responsibilities such as mortgages, leases and eventually get married. Each one of these factors work against your ever taking the plunge into the startup world.
The last point regarding stability and getting rid of your debts has some degree of truth to it. I agree with the getting rid of debt aspect of the argument, I don’t however agree with the stability aspect as much. When you are 23 do you really need stability in your life? This is the time in your life when you can take the greatest amount of leveraged risks as you do not have major responsibilities. The stability concept is definitely appealing to parents who are able to sleep a lot easier at night knowing that their son/daughter is working at a reputable firm, which will eventually enable them to live the ideal cookie cutter life.

So focus on your expertise, your own strengths. If you're good in writing, you can self-publish, blogs or write an ebook. If you have the knowledge in graphic arts and design, you can start a logo business and anything the likes of it. Capitalize on your skills, remember the saying,"do what you love and the money will follow". Once you feel that your business is already established and earns more than your regular job. Perhaps, it's time to decide whether go full time. Remember, there will always be inherent risk. So expect the worse and do your best.
And job security is okay.But earning money and freedom on something you love to do is one of the most wonderful feeling.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Theory X and Theory Y

(Rabbit vs Tortoise story)

There were two rival groups in the forest- Rabbit and Tortoise. Once they decided to participate in a competition. The winner will prove the superiority of 1 team over another. Each team chose a leader and decide to compete. Lion, the king of jungle decided that there will be a race from one corner of the jungle to another. Tortoise group became upset because they knew they move very slowly and rabbits move very fast. But they could not say no to the king and reluctantly decided to compete with rabbit.

Competition 1:
Tortoise and Rabbit both started together. Tortoise was having a very slow pace and rabbit was having a very high pace of moving towards the finish line. When almost half done with the race, rabbit became very hungry. He ate some radish on the way and felt drowsy. He thought that tortoise would be lacking far behind. He thought of taking rest and went for a nap. While he was sleeping tortoise who was consistent throughout kept on moving without break, crossed rabbit on the way and reached the finish line earlier than rabbit. So Tortoise slowly and steadily won the race.

Rabbit team became very angry and dissatisfied. They told the king that it was not fair. They complained that tortoise took advantage of weak health of their leader. They lied that he had become sick during the race.
King agreed and planned for another race. This time it will be a race in water. They have to cross a river. And any number of participants can participate as 1 single team.

Competition 2:
A large boat was hired by both teams. Rabbit team leader took 30 rabbit in his team which were 10 more than actually needed. Tortoise leader took 25 which were 5 more than the requirement. The course of race was very long. It would take almost a day to go and return back. Both teams started. In the beginning rabbit team took lead again. But Tortoise team had better knowledge of short cuts in water as they live in it. When the rabbit leader saw tortoise ship approaching he started pressurizing his team. He was a theory X manager. He started showing distrust in his team. He started shouting at all. Also since the food item the team was given was with respect to 20 people but he had 30 rabbit in his team. So food stock started depleting fast. He started laying off people. He though since he has excess members, it doesn’t make any difference. But this had a wrong psychological effect in the minds of team worker. They thought they would be laid off anytime. The insecurity reduced their efficiency. The leader forgot the importance of ‘Fayol’s principle of Espirit de corpse’ which emphasised the importance of amicable relation between worker and manager. He did not plan which rabbit is best suited for rowing at front end and which rabbit is suited for rowing at rear end of the boat. He also did not give them required break and defied all working hours. Thus he failed again in job design and Scientific management.  After some time due to misuse of his power and ruthless behaviour, some rabbit formed a union and told that they don’t want to work under him anymore. Many more joined in. Rabbit could not tackle the union problem and the worker left the race. He was left alone and so he couldn’t even complete the race.

On the other hand Tortoise team leader was Theory Y manager. He motivated them  throughout the way. He carefully designed job as to who should row where. He had taken 5 extra so that those who become tired can go for job rotation with these 5 and do some light work like serving water and food to the team. He made sure that oar to row boat was of right weight and length and scientifically found 1 best method to do the job which wasergonomically sound. Naturally they won the race.

Though Tortoise are slow worker but they proved once again that a good manager can make better utilization of available resources with his managerial skills and vice versa a bad manager can fail the entire organization even though the workers are very skilled and have high potential and competency.

Sunday 10 August 2014

"Maha Mandi" - Nurturing the future entrepreneur

'Blogging seems difficult rather selling'...  Maha mandi, the one true event brings the faith in you. 
Have you ever received a awkward stare from a third person??  Have you ever felt the pressure of the sales person??  At first I found very difficult to approach the customers. A man walking past me doestn't even bother to stop to listen what I was actually about to tell. It makes me feel embarrassed. 
But when I sold the first toy, it was a different feeling. 'A breezy air on the drenched soul'. 
The word of my first customer "Let the money go for good cause" encouraged me and gave me a new confidence. The refreshment it gave me at the moment was priceless. Yes!!..I am working for a good cause.. Why Should I give up? I am gonna help someone with my mere effort.
I started again with zeal and obviously with more energy. Then my journey goes uninterrupted. I never bothered about those who dint purchase, rather I learned the new experience of the salespersons who are being ignored in the streets.  

It all started with the inspiring words of Dr.Mandi Prasad and the glamorous presence of actress and Miss India finalist Sonam Bajwa

It was a great day and we marched towards the streets of mumbai, the mere sound of SOCHO,BECHO,SEIKO echoed my ears..The brand new Maha mandi event of 2014 kick starts from here.

The other important thrilling experience I faced during this Maha Mandi event is 'FLASH MOB'. My first ever flash mob. have you ever danced in front of audience?? yes, I did, during my college cultural. But in a shopping mall... wow.. that's a great experience. 

Few suggestions for next Maha mandi:
1. Reduce the price of Toys and increase the inventory.
2. Flash mob can be done even better to capture lot more eyes, Somewhere more public

Advice for the Junior Batch:
1. If you want to have adventure in learning, do participate in Maha Mandi

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Team work

Valley Crossing - A lesson in team building

This blog is about the lesson learnt about teamwork through a valley crossing exercise. In this case there is a valley which cannot be crossed by an individual alone because it is 2 steps wide. Now the exercise shows how if 3 people come together and a pole of sufficient length is provided using innovative thinking all 3 people can cross the valley.
So the situation is a very simple demonstration of what organizations do, they form a group of individuals to attain goals beyond the reach of any one person and to attain that they need resources (here a pole) and innovative thinking.
But this is not all only having a team and resources is not enough to be a successful organization there are many more things which need to fall in place to attain success. What these parameters are I learnt through a simple valley crossing exercise and would share those learning with you in this post.

Execution and Analysis of the Solution :

 Before starting with the analysis of the solution, I would like to describe the meaning of the states that I would be using :
·         Safe State : Safe state is the one in which both the feet of the person are on the ground and he is in no danger.
·         Half Risky: Half Risky is the state in which one leg is in the air and the other one on the ground
·         Full Risky: Full risky is the state in which both the legs of the man are in air and his body weight is supported by the other two men.

First Person
Second Person
Third person
Half Risky

Full Risky

Half Risky
Half Risky


Full Risky


Half Risky
Half Risky

Full Risky

Half Risky

1)      Simplicity of Design
      First thing to notice here is that how a very complex problem has been simplified. Because of this simplification what would otherwise have been a daunting problem seems quite possible now. Hence it is very important for a manager to simplify a problem as much as possible because it gives confidence to the team on its achievability. Many modern organizations like Apple and Philips are highly successful because of simplicity i design and usage of their products.
2)      Goal Statement
      It is necessary to have a goal statement because it provides a sense of purpose and existence to the stakeholders. Here the goal statement is clearly defined as “Crossing the Valley” so all team members are focussed and using their energy in attainment of that purpose. Some organization define their purposes vaguely and employees in such organization are found to be hard working but not unified or scattered in means to achieve their goals.
3)      Load Distribution
      In an organization it is important that all employees are on equal footing and equally responsible for the optimum performance of the company. This would ensure that pride and ego issues do not creep up. In the example all three persons are equally responsible and hence work as a team to attain the goal.
4)      Unity of Direction
      It means that all people and department in an organization should be clear about the way they want to achieve the set goal. This is important to prevent any undue wastage of organizations energy and resources on unimportant or unrelated activities.
5)      Innovative Thinking
      Innovation is at the heart for long term sustainability of any organization more so in contemporary world where technology is causing sweeping changes in people’s priority and preferences. In the Valley Crossing Example the team showed innovation by finding out a method to cross the valley, organizations are supposed to find out innovative solutions for the problems that the world faces, Khan Academy is one such organization about which we discussed in one of my earlier posts.
6)      Trust and dependability
      Organization is a group of people and for them to work together in an effective manner it is indispensible without trust and dependability. In the current example all member of the team are in danger of falling in the valley at such situation it is the trust and dependability which pushes them to go through. It is important for a manager to foster trust and dependability among his team members to attain great results.
7)      Proper Communication
      Inefficient communication in an organization can lead to disastrous results such as delayed delivery, poor quality such incidents can lead to public embarrassment and even loss of order for the company. In the Valley Crossing Example the need for proper communication between the team is evident, if there is improper communication it can lead to loss of life.
8)      Synchronization 
      Synchronization is the sequence of events which are to be followed together or one after the other. In the valley crossing example there has to be complete synchronization between the steps of the team to ensure that the gap between them does not reduce or increase as it has to be maintained according to the width of the valley. Similarly for managers it is important to let their team know the time frame in which a certain task has to be completed and accordingly when related activities should be completed by employees.
9)      Training
      Last but one of the most important aspects is training your employees. Without proper training an average employee cannot become good and a good employee cannot be great. Imagine if the team members in the valley crossing exercise were asked to cross the valley without practice and training. They would have been low on self confidence and most probably they would have failed in the task. This is a important message for managers sometimes in our usual daily routine we don’t see the need for training the employees fearing loss of productivity for that period but this situation is detrimental in long term for overall growth of organization and employee, who after some time would feel no growth in personal and professional life.

Friday 18 July 2014

3 chinese monks: A Management lesson

3 Chinese monks: A Management lesson

 Three Monks (Chinese: 三个和尚, San ge he shang) is a Chinese animated feature film produced by the Shanghai Animation Film Studio. After the cultural revolution and the fall of the political Gang of Four in 1976, the film was one of the first animations created as part of the rebirth period. It is also referred to as The Three Buddhist Priests

The film is based on the ancient Chinese proverb "One monk will shoulder two buckets of water, two monks will share the load, but add a third and no one will want to fetch water." The film does not contain any dialogues, allowing it to be watched by any culture, and a different music instrument was used to signify each monk.

Movie link: 
Three Monks, No Water: Chinese short film   


A young monk lives a simple life in a temple on top of a hill. He has one daily task of hauling two buckets of water up the hill. He tries to share the job with another monk, but the carry pole is only long enough for one bucket. The arrival of a third monk prompts everyone to expect that someone else will take on the chore. Consequently, no one fetches water though everybody is thirsty. At night, a rat comes to scrounge and then knocks the candleholder, leading to a devastating fire in the temple. The three monks finally unite together and make a concerted effort to put out the fire. Since then they understand the old saying "unity is strength" and begin to live a harmonious life. The temple never lacks water again

Management Lesson

At first, the movie might bring the following inferences. 
  • People by their very human nature, shirk responsibilities.
  • People do not cooperate with other members.
  • People try to cooperate when unfortunate situations arise.
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth, so more people should not come together.
  • Design organization systems for the people at hand.
  These inferences however, represent the Old School mindset as discussed in an earlier post.

According to the new approach, the film has to offer the following:

Managerial Excellence

This includes:

  1. Displaying command over competencies
  2. Demonstrating good leadership skills
  3. Getting the best out of each and every member
  4. Taking employees along with, especially at the time of success.
  5. Attempting to improvise on the way the job is done
  6. Being involved with subordinates and colleagues.


Innovation will further improve Efficiency and Effectiveness in an organization. Organizations need more than good products, processes and services to survive that can drive down costs and improve productivity.

Thus, if we count on human values alone for running an organization, we are in for doom as human values are most easily corrupted. This was also evident in the story where the monks forgot their actual job and kept their selfish interests above it.